We need your help making lacrosse work well for all of our players. To get that help, parents must volunteer six hours measured using dibs credits per player registration U10 and up OR buy out of mandatory dibs credits at the cost of $300 per player.
For example, if you have three lacrosse players this season at levels U8, U10, and U14, then parents from your family would need 12 dib credits (hours) of volunteer time to cover for your U10 and U14 player. Dibs are not required for U8 players.
There are already lots of dib opportunities available on our website for you to choose from to fulfill your dib credits. U10-14 families will be required to configure their DIBS settings PRIOR TO REGULAR SEASON REGISTRATION. The Sports Engine system will not allow you to register for regular season until you have either configured your DIBS setting by opting to volunteer or pay out. This does NOT apply to other registrations such as BOX or Pre-Season League. You must then claim your dib job online before the dib opportunity begins to get credit. Then, you must complete the described activity. After completion, you’ll be credited for your time. Recap:
1. Configure DIBS - in this step you will select whether you will volunteer your time OR pay out. This is separate from registering your player for the summer season. Upon completion of configuring your DIBS, you will be sent a link to register your player for the summer season.
2. Sign up for DIBS jobs by June 1 (see link below)
3. Complete DIBS job by deadline assigned to job in order to receive credit.
Coaches, team managers, and board members are excluded from the dibs policy as they are already volunteering more than enough time each season.
Note: you may volunteer for opportunities that are not related to your player’s team. For example, if you have a U10 boy, you can volunteer for U14 girl opportunities, etc.
DIBS COORDINATOR: Lynnette Showers
Contact Rita Eklund for Boys Youth Lacrosse DIBS:
Contact Kim Rasmussen for Girls Youth Lacrosse DIBS: